I'll take care of the dentistry domicile while taking care of the tissues located at the bottom of the tooth, I called pulpe. The traitement endodonuclear (sometimes abusively, nommé dévitalisation) consists of removing this pulp, removing and scanning the clear vacuum so that it is not infected.
Your practitioner has prescribed medication and recommended to devitalize the tooth in question and then protect it with a crown. Indeed, the devitalized tooth is fragile and must be protected to avoid a subsequent fracture.
Silver amalgam, the classic "fill", is a mixture containing about 50% finely powdered alloy powder of silver, tin, copper and zinc and 50% of mercury in liquid form.
Plaque bacteria transform residual foods and sugar into acid that attacks and destroys tooth enamel and creates cavities in the tooth called caries.
Carious involvement of enamel and dentine
You have just consulted urgently for intense pain on a tooth. Although this pain was urgently relieved by your practitioner, it was not enough to remove the causes.
The examination of your radios reveals, under a crowned tooth, a granuloma (or cyst in everyday language) at the end of its root. Although painless for now this benign tumor can evolve at any time and cause an abscess. If left untreated, the tooth may eventually be lost.