Dental X-rays: an essential diagnostic tool
What is a dental x-ray?
Radiology is an X-ray transmission imaging technique sent through structures examined and reaching a sensor. The different densities of the tissues traversed by X-rays induce variations in their quantity resulting in the sensor. The anatomical structures appear on the grayscale radiograph.
Why are dental x-rays needed?
Dental X-rays represent an (at present) irreplaceable diagnostic tool and contribute to the planning of any treatment: detection of caries, periapical lesions, bone lesions, periodontal diseases with bone involvement, evaluation of trauma, ...
All these structures can not be examined satisfactorily with the naked eye and require X-rays.
What are the precautions for dental X-rays?
X-rays are ionizing radiation and can have harmful effects on health in case of long and repeated exposure and / or for high intensities.
Several scientific studies reported by the media suggest a possible link between dental X-rays and the risk of cancer (meningioma). All of these studies have major weaknesses and are based on obsolete radiology technology: analogue radiology. However, a reasoned use of X-rays in the dental field is essential.
Radiological procedures in dentistry (mainly intraoral imaging) expose patients only very slightly. And technological developments with the advent of digital radiography have significantly reduced radiation (50 to 75%).
Each of our doctor-dentists holds an authorization from the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) to perform dental x-rays. It respects the current recommendations and the ALARA principle (As Low As Reasonably Achievable = as little as possible and as much as necessary).
What are our dental X-ray facilities?
Our center is fully equipped with digital radiology and has operational check certificates issued by the installer. A quality control (consistency test) is performed every week to ensure proper operation.
Who do the X-rays belong to?
Upon payment of the invoice, the dental X-ray becomes property of the patient and can be given to him on request (print on paper or recorded on a storage medium).