This is the field of dentistry dealing with the periodontium, that is to say the tissues surrounding the tooth: gingiva, alveolar bone, cementum (which covers the dental roots), alveolar ligament (which connects tooth to the alveolar bone), its diseases and the treatment of these.
Dental tartar is formed spontaneously on the surface of the teeth, by accumulation of food and bacterial debris on the little used dental zones.
The purpose of toothbrushing is to mechanically remove the plaque from all visible surfaces of the teeth. The manual or electric toothbrush must have soft bristles made of synthetic fibers, and handy.
Commonly called "loosening" this very common disease detaches the tooth, even healthy from the gum. This results, in the more or less long term, in the loss of the tooth in question and, progressively, in all the others.
The treatment includes the following steps: